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Teacher Information

Teacher Welcome Letter

Please review the attached for 24-2.5 information.

PTO Membership

We highly encourage you to join the PTO and to attend our meetings.  This allows you voting rights at all of our meetings.  You will be added to our e-mail distribution list and included in any survey questionnaires.

Teacher Allowances

The PTO will provide $100.00 as reimbursement for school related expenses.  All receipts must be attached to the Teacher Reimbursement Request form.

Classroom Parties

Your homeroom parent will keep you up to date on all Holiday Parties. Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. You will recieve all information on how to volunteer. Please note: all classroom party snacks will be provided by PTO. 

Field Trips

  • In a typical year, the PTO will provide $10/student for the year towards transportation costs. Please let us know when you are planning a field trip.

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